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姓名 姜兆亮

出生年月 1971.10
行政职务 本科生院副院长
学历 博士足球竞彩app研究生 学位 博士
专业技术职务及任导师情况 教授,博士足球竞彩app研究生导师
所足彩app在一级学科名称 机械工程
所足彩app在二级学科名称 机械制造及其自动化





1998.09-2000.12, 于足彩app攻读工学硕士学位









[1] 2020-2022,基于虚拟现实的井下采煤智慧检测与控制系统开发

[2] 2020-2022,名优茶的精准识别与智能采摘机器人研发

[3] 2020-2023,高续航智能化农业植保无人机关键技术足球竞彩app研究

[4] 2020-2021,高品质发动机制造大数据构建及数据分析与应用项目

[5] 2019-2021,冷藏车厢内温度的远程精准调控系统开发

[6] 2018-2020,功能梯度化口腔种植体的增材制造方法足球竞彩app研究

[7] 2017-2020,大薄弧板表面阵列特征群的铣削变形机理及控制方法足球竞彩app研究

[8] 2016-2019,低温差冷藏车厢优化设计

[9] 2016-2019,冲压计划排程与动态管控系统


[1] Jiang ZL*, Li G, Zhao L, et al. Generation mechanism of stress wave while milling aluminium 2219[J]. Australian journal of mechanical engineering, 2020:1-10.

[2] Zhao L, Jiang ZL*, Zhang C, et al. Development model and experimental characterization of residual stress of 3D printing PLA parts with porous structure [J]. Applied physics. A, Materials science & processing, 2021, 127(2).

[3] Zhang C, Wang F, Jiang ZL*, et al. Effect of graphene oxide on the mechanical, tribological, and biological properties of sintered 3Y–ZrO2/GO composite ceramics for dental implants[J]. Ceramics International, 2021, 47(5):6940-6946.

[4] Guo W, Jiang ZL* Zhang C, et al. Fabrication process of smooth functionally graded materials through a real-time inline control of the component ratio[J]. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2021, 41(16):256-265.

[5] Zhang C, Chen S, Jiang ZL*, et al. Highly Sensitive and Reproducible SERS Substrates Based on Ordered Micropyramid Array and Silver Nanoparticles[J]. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, 2021, 13(24):29222-29229.

[6] Zhang C, Jiang ZL*, Zhao L, et al. Mechanical characteristics and deformation mechanism of functionally graded triply periodic minimal surface structures fabricated using stereolithography [J]. International journal of mechanical sciences, 2021, 208:106679.

[7] Zhao L, Jiang ZL*, Zhang C. Residual stress and fracture toughness of sintered body of ZrO2-GO composite ceramics material [J]. Ceramics International, 2021, 47(1):388-392.

[8] Zhang C, Jiang ZL*, et al. Stability, rheological behaviors, and curing properties of 3Y–ZrO2 and 3Y–ZrO2/GO ceramic suspensions in stereolithography applied for dental implants [J]. Ceramics International, 2021, 47(10, Part A):13344-13350.

[9] Zhao L, Jiang ZL* Zhang C, et al. Theoretical modeling based on stress wave propagation and experimental verification of residual stress in stereolithography printed ZrO2 ceramic suspensions[J]. Ceramics international, 2021, 47(19):26935-26941.

[10] 阚平, 姜兆亮*, 刘玉浩, 等. 多植保无人机协同路径规划[J]. 航空学报, 2020,41(04):260-270.

[11] 李广伦, 姜兆亮*, 赵丽, 等. 铝合金薄板的铣削动力响应特性仿真与实验足球竞彩app研究[J]. 振动与冲击, 2020,39(11):63-68.

[12] 赵时, 姜兆亮*, 丁兆磊, 等. 梯级送风对冷藏车厢内温度场的影响[J]. 制冷学报, 2020,41(05):116-123.

[13] 袁凯, 姜兆亮*, 刘传勇. 新时代 新需求 新文科——足彩app新文科建设探索与实践[J]. 中国大学教学, 2020(07):67-70.

[14] Chen S, Zhang C, Jiang ZL*, et al. Experimental investigation for roll-to-plate embossing of ordered micro-pyramid array on the silver sheet[J]. Journal of micromechanics and microengineering, 2020, 30(6):65008.

[15] Zhang C, Jiang ZL*. Mechanical properties and tribological behaviors of yttria-zirconia ceramics with additions of graphene oxide by hot-press sintering for dental implants[J]. Surface topography metrology and properties, 2020, 8(3):35010.

[16] Zhang C, Zhu H, Jiang ZL*, et al. Removal mechanism and surface quality of crystal semiconductor materials in scratching tests with Berkovich indenter[J]. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2020, 105:104746.

[17] Zhang C, Jiang ZL*, et al. Synthesis and characterization of multilayer graphene oxide on yttria-zirconia ceramics for dental implant[J]. Journal of materials research, 2020, 35(18):2466-2477.

[18] Zhang C, Jiang ZL*, Wang J, et al. Theoretical modeling and experimental characterization of boundary slip on aluminum surface with small-amplitude roughness[J]. Engineering Research Express, 2020, 2(1).

[19] Ma S,Jiang ZL*, Liu W. Modeling Drying-Energy Consumption in Automotive Painting Line Based on ANN and MLR for Real-Time Prediction[J]. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology, 2019, 6(2):241-254.

[20] Ding Z, Jiang ZL*, Wang J, et al. The heat transfer enhancement of low temperature airflow foam effect in the ice storage charging process[J]. Energy and Buildings, 2019, 204:109477.

[21] Xia X, Jiang ZL*, Xu P. A detection algorithm of spatter on welding plate surface based on machine vision [J]. Optoelectronics Letters, 2019, 15(01):52-56.

[22] 赵阳, 姜兆亮*, 马嵩华, 等. 汽车三维足彩app在线展示与虚拟试驾系统足球竞彩app研究[J]. 包装工程, 2018,39(18):124-128.

[23] 许鹏飞, 姜兆亮*, 赵阳, 等. 无色差光滑曲面特征点的提取及匹配算法[J]. 光学学报, 2018,38(04):277-284.

[24] 张子群, 姜兆亮*, 魏清月. 2219铝合金动态力学性能及其本构关系[J]. 材料工程, 2017,45(10):47-51.

[25] 朱先萌, 姜兆亮*, 魏清月, 等. 多品种小批量产品冲压计划排程多目标优化[J]. 计算机集成制造系统, 2017,23(09):1907-1916.


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[2] 一种口腔种植体材料的制备方法、种植体材料及应用. ZL201911328121.8

[3] 一种梯度供粉装置、3D打印系统及方法. ZL201911288875.5

[4] 一种具有梯级送风功能的冷藏车厢、冷藏车及方法. ZL201910753509.6

[5] 一种高透光率高结合强度的柔性透明导电薄膜及其制备方法和应用. ZL201910362647.1

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[7] 一种表面增强拉曼检测基底及其基于微纳3D打印的制备方法和应用. ZL201910837590.6

[8] 一种柔性质子交换膜燃料电池极板及其制备方法. ZL201910544767.3


电子邮箱:jiangzhaoliang@atanangle.net; jzljeff@163.com

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